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A simple music player written in python


NSPlayer is a simple and compact music player which is light on system resources. This is written purely in python.

NSPlayer uses pygame module to play songs. The graphic User Interface is written in tkinter which is a popular python module which is installed in the python library by deflaut.


I wrote NSPlayer on my journey to learn Python. You can view all my python projects at GitHub

NSPlayer is license under the MIT License which makes it open source. You are free to use it however you wish.


This program is completely safe. It was created using pyinstaller.

Virustotal marks this file as unsafe. But it is . It is just a Generic Heurestic threat. Safe.


NSPlayer comes in 4 forms:

  1. A Simple Zip file that you can unzip and start using.
  2. A Setup.exe file that Automatically installs NSPlayer on your computer (‘C:\Program Files\NSPlayer’ by deflaut)
  3. A Standalone Executable file which has all the dpendencies prebuilt into it.
  4. A Raw Python file which you can click to run or use it from the terminal with python3 NSPlayer . You can use this python file to run NSPlayer on Linux, Mac and basically any system having python3 installed. Although you need pygame to run this. You can install pygame by ‘pip install pygame’ or you can click the setup. sh or setup.bat files to directly install pygame.


. NSPlayer_setup.exe : A simple setup.exe file
. : A Zip file with all files
. NSPlayer.exe : A standalone, portable insatllation
. : A Raw Python file
. : A Raw Python file with all assets included
. Source Code in Zip : A zip file with the source code
. Source Code in tar.gz : A tar.gz file with the source code
. Releases : Latest Releases page


NSPlayer is a compact mp3 player.
It can be used for a easily playing music when you are low on system resources.
It takes minimal system resources and has good functionality too. Minimal System Resources
The Raw python file has step by step explanation of all processes.
Hence, this can be used to learn python and makes NSPlayer a Beginner friendly project


If you decide to use the Zip file or the Standalone file or the Setup.exe file, it doesn’t matter if python is not installed on your computer (Although I recommend downloading it from the Python Website). The Raw Python python file however needs to have python and a few python dependencies installed, namely:

Required Dependencies: pygame, tkinter (tkinter is installed by deflaut)

pip install pygame
pip install tkinter


For now the biggest way you can support me is to share this project with your friends and family.
Also leave a star
Any issues, please please report them at GitHub Issues
