Unleaky is a simple cli password manager written in python and is my first attempt to use sqlite3. Unleaky uses a simple database to store your passwords. One disclaimer though is that unleaky stores all the passwords UNENCRYPTED. Be sure to keep that in mind and use unleaky for not very important passwords or just to try it or learn sqlite3. Unleaky is registered under the MIT License, hence you are free to use it as you like. Just try to credit me 😉(You don't have to, that is why the winky face, I spoiled it 😐).

Unleaky Example


All of the unleaky commands can be seen by the help command. To execute any command, first you should enter the master password which is HelloWorld. Once you enter that, you can use commands, you can also change the master password with the admin command. The major commands are:

1. read

The read command shows you all the entries of the database formatted nicely

2. new

The new command helps you create a new entry, you enter the username and get the option to enter your own password or generate it with the strong password generator included in unleaky

3. update

The update command updates the existing entries.

4. copy

The copy command copies the password of the username you provide

5. quit

As unleaky prints the passwords on the terminal, once you use Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to quit the application, the passwords are still retained, hence if you use the quit command, it clears the screen and quits securely.


Watch the video below to learn more about unleaky